ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

                        PENTICTON ,B.C.

                        SEPTEMBER 2,2005


The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by President Sam Tomasevic.


Executive attending were --Sam Tomasevic -President

                        --Annie Rayner  -Secretary

                        --Dick Hopkins  --Treasurer

                        --Vince Herkel  -- Past President

                        --Marcel Pinette  -Vice -President

Regional Reps --Fred Ormiston , Ernie Connolly ,Robin DeGraaf , Earle Gillard.


Delegates -Wendy Tomasevic-Central Park; Roy Dawe -Cloverdale; Shirley Hopkins - Chilliwack; Ernie Connolly - Kamloops; Vince Herkel - Ladysmith; Dan Coffin - MSA; Tony Rondow -Nanaimo; Ed Morigeau -Nicola ; Bert Allen -Penticton; Carol

Skrodolis ,Lorraine Hubick-Powell River; Ida Boschman -Prince George; Earle Gillard -Quesnel; Ted Peters -Salmon Arm; Nick Culic - Summerland; Albert Rochon-Vernon; Dorothy Krimmer ,Chester Szostak - Victoria; Sharon Fraser, John Hamler -Winfield.; Elyse Brunelle-appointed.


A moment of silence was observed for departed members.


Ammendments to the agenda --under new business --BC International -2007

            --Insurance  --after the financial report.

MOTION --Fred Ormiston / Ernie Connolly  ‘that the 2004 AGM minutes be adopted  with the correction noted that Sharon Fraser and Don Morgan were Winfield delegates

 in 2004 ‘  carried


FINANCIAL STATEMENT   - was given by Dick Hopkins

                        MOTION  Dick Hopkins / Marcel Pinette

 ‘ that the report be adopted as given ‘   carried


INSURANCE -- Is going up. Discussion on options like cancelling  the Sports Accident Policy as no claims in 7 years,and that is the only one in all the years the BCHA has had Insurance.This covers Medical expenses only. Discussion on Billing per member - rather than club.

BCHA will look into another  Insurance Company.  Tabled.



             NORTH by Earle Gillard--Quesnel and Prince George have picked up some new members, but have lost some as well. Williams Lake has only two members. Fort St.John has some new members signing up -however they are not participating.

The Western Classic in Prince George went well although the numbers were down. It was the Alberta Provincials the same week end. Very rainy and cold. Their 30 new pits are excellent ,and a new clubhouse.  Williams Lake is planning a tournament at the Fall Fair.  I Talked to Ken Luggi from Fraser Lake ,and sent him some info on ‘getting a club started’  Also sent the same package to Rosalyn Wesley of McKenzie. Have two contacts in Vanderhoof ,but no return calls.

An incident at the Western Classic brought to mind the need for knowledge by the judges.

Bonnie Herrett of Williams Lake is asking  if  - at the beginning of next season every member send in their vote on the dress code. Sam stated that Western Classic has their own rules. The dress code for B C  applies to the BC  International and to the B C Championships.The Ringer Roundup is terrific.


INTERIOR / KOOTENAYS   by Ernie Connolly

            The Salmon Arm Tournament  started out our season with a one day  tournament.

From our eight clubs we had nine tournaments with a total of nineteen days of pitching. An average of forty entries per tournament. Added moneys to these came to about $2000.

The Interior Championship was held in Winfield.  2006 will be in Salmon Arm.

I would like to thank those who volunteered  to help as Tournament Directors.


LOWER MAINLAND   by Robin DeGraaf

            Central Park Club has showed a little growth in 2005. Had three successful tournaments with players from Washington State ,Victoria, Nanaimo and Ladysmith attending as well as Lower Mainland players.At our Northwest Open we had 8 from Victoria alone attend, as a result of a few of us going to Victoria. We arranged rides for these players , like they do for us. This is very important in Horseshoes , if you expect players from out of town to attend ,you do the same. League nights were Wednesdays with good turn outs.We run a handicap system  based on total points using a 90% difference.  An excellant way to keep members involved. Our new Treasurer and league director is Elyse Brunelle, for which the club thanks you. Any successful club has as many members involved as possible. The kitchen staff of Budd Ball, Sue Bertrand, Betty Reyklin, and Debbie Buckle served good meals at the tournaments and we thank them for it.We have had several community groups come and use our facilities.It is hoped that some will join us in 2006.

Chilliwack -has had one BCHA tournament, and are hosting the Lower Mainland Championships September 18th. Safeway stores of B C  had their family picnic in the Chilliwack Sports Facility ,and we ran a horseshoe tournament for them. There were 110 players. Gloria Pinette was tournament director.Also helping were Oscar Hoyseth , Bernie Lepper, Roy Zuberbier, Ed Pinette, Delphine Pinette and Marcel Pinette.We received $300. in gift certificates from Safeway. Len Thompson had a heart attack and is doing

o.k. Roy Zuberbier was treated for prostrate cancer and is doing well. Bernie Leppers’ wife has been very ill.  Our fun nights were Tuesday and Thursday and were well

attended.All of our Executive have done well this year. Marcel and Gloria Pinette will be moving to Quesnel in 2006.

Cloverdale  -has had quite a few new faces at the Club and membership is at 35. Our annual Last Chance tournament and pig roast was a huge success. It was great to see so many out of towners attend.  We have been holding a monthly ‘’pub night’’ from 5p.m.

to 10 p.m. with meat draws , the famous Cloverdale horse races, and great food. 

We will be building a new tournament shed for next year. Many of our Seniors received medals at this years Senior Games .

Maple Ridge - Our memership remains constant at nine members, with Les Schneider taking a less active part. He is pitching,but the stroke he experienced a while ago ,has placed limits on his endurance. It is great to see him and Simone whenever they can

come out. In June we hosted a successful tournament.Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves despite the fact that we do not have a clubhouse. The Rotary Club

 approached us with the request that we organize a mini tournament for their members. Thanks to the ‘shoes’ that the Cloverdale club loaned us,we set up a round robin as a

post dinner activity. All went well and everyone seemed to enjoy it, although darkness intervened. This may become an annual event, and we may get a new member. We get together every Thursday afternoon at 1 p.m. and Sunday at 10 a.m. for a couple of

 hours of fun pitching. No matter how good or bad our scores are, the shoes go exacttly where we throw them.

MSA -will be hosting 4 tournaments this year. Attendance was down somewhat.

The Memorial open had 41 adults and 5 juniors. Abbotsford open had 30 adults and 5 juniors. The Highwayman had 37 adults and 4 Juniors.Most over average for juniors

was Mikie Roy of Chilliwack -0.68% ,Women -Cindy Helgeson of Winfield -6.74% ,

Men - Marcel Chabot of Cloverdale - 2.25%.

Abbotsford fall windup is September 11. We have 14 members and a couple have not

been playing for health reasons ,but hope to be back next season. Bunny Davidson

was not well in the spring ,but is much better now.


ISLAND / POWELL RIVER -by Fred Ormiston

Consists of 6 clubs and hosted 11 tournaments.Powell River  mixed open was held Saturday May 28th. They moved it from the usual Sunday ,so not to conflict with a tournament in Victoria. August 27th was the Fall windup and it was well attended.

For $5. you got a choice of steak or chicken dinner with all the trimmings.Its a great tournament and if you ever get the chance,attend. Fred recommends going just for the dinner !!

Cumberland hosted their Empire days open.

Port Alberni hosted the Island Championships. It was well attended with over a

hundred participants.Ladies Champion is Carol Ormiston . Mens champion is Tony Rondow. They did a pig roast and salmon BBQ. Excellant dinner. Enough food left over for a Sunday night feast for the campers who stayed over.

Nanaimo -hosted the Nanaimo at Ladysmith tournament with over 90 participants.

Lots of great raffle prizes.The kitchen worked overtime to keep everyone fed.

Ladysmith -held a 2 day tournament on the August long week end. It was also the Ladysmith Dogwood Days celebration with live music in the park ,arts and crafts,

parade, logging sports and a fireworks disply. Ladysmith hosted the Horseshoe event for the BC Senior Games.It is the first time that the BCHA was involved /included.

Victoria -the big tournament was the 70th Anniversary  Tournament with over a 120 participants.They added $3000. to the prize pool. The kitchen staff did an excellant job once again. At the opening ceremonies, the club President Munj Manhas had the club  founders  and honorary members recognized for their contribution to the growth of the Victoria Horseshoe club.Ladies champion is Elyse Brunelle.Mens champion is Tony Rondow. Fall Classic is September 11. In 2006 Victoria will host the BC International, and the Island championships.The Junior club under the Leadership of Munj Manhas has had a good year again.Some nights as many as 30 juniors showed up.



HALL OF FAME --by Fred Ormiston

This years category is lady player. The winner announced at the opening ceremonies

Sept.3  was Carol Ormiston.

RAFFLE-2005 -about the same dollar amount as previous years.


SUPPLIES by Marcel Pinette   - the Reps do a good job of distributing supplies. Marcel went to a lot of tournaments to give out supplies.


SENIOR GAMES by Vince Herkel.It was a good tournament with about 50 players.

Some classes were really lacking in players -Mens A & B , Ladies A, and  Elders.

21 were not BCHA members. Stew Battie ,the Tournament Director recommends

40 shoe games to control the time frame .Also ,would like the $100. token from the Senior Games to go to the host club, as they do not make much money on the  

concession they have. Lunches are supplied by the games for participants. The BCHA

will re-negotiate with the BC Senior Games for 2006 ,which will be in Abbotsford.


CANADIAN TOURNAMENT -by Fred Ormiston from Dorothy Butts

            Fred gave a detailed account of the Annual General Meeting. The minutes from

 it will be sent as soon as the Secretary Annie receives them.



2006 -July 10 to 22  -Gillette Wyoming

2007 - Ardmore Oklahoma

Elyse Brunelle attended this year and commented that it was way to hot. The pitches were moved the second week and they were left with them being 2 or 3 inches out.



Annie Rayner reported that we have a total of $34.85.

Dan Coffin told about another fund raiser thru Mohawk and Husky,and the secretary

will look into this.



[ to follow at the end of the minutes ]



Discussion on the ‘recommendations for running Sanctioned Tournaments’

Motion Fred Ormiston / Robin DeGraaf   ‘ that this be as is -a recommendation’


Sharon Fraser ,Winfield,-suggested that your club President and Tournament director

 get your dates out to Sam so they can be posted early. She appologized to Victoria

that no one from Winfield could get to the 70th anniversary tournament.


Discussion on the BC International  dates.

The MSA club has made an offer to host the 2007 and 2008 International in July in conjunction with their Highwayman tournament. By combining the two events prize money would be an added incentive. $800. from BCHA, $600. from the Highwayman Pub, and $400 from the MSA Horseshoe Club.

Motion  Fred Ormiston / Sharon Fraser   ‘that the above offer be accepted’  carried.



Question asked as to who owns the Horseshoe program.

Answer -John Hassel

Chester Szostak from Victoria would like the BCHA to approach John Hassell to ask what happens to the program if John dies .   


Earle Gillard  welcomes veryone to attend the 2006 BC Championships in Quesnel.


John Hamler stated that Winfield would be celebrating their 25th Anniversary at their

June 2006 Tournament.



Deaths --Erma Basaraba -North Shore



President -Sam Tomasevic  

Treasurer  -- Dorothy Krimmer 

No other nominations.


MOTION  Dick Hopkins / Dorothy Krimmer

‘that the BCHA accounts be transferred to the Coast Capital Credit Union at the

Tillicum Mall , Victoria ,BC. Signing officers -any two of the following  -- Sam Tomasevic -President , Dorothy Krimmer -treasurer ,Fred Ormiston -Regional Rep for Vancouver Island / Powell River ‘   carried


Adjornment  came at 9:45 p.m. with a motion by Wendy Tomasevic / Marcel Pinette