The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by President Vince Herkel .
Present were --Vince Herkel -President
--Annie Rayner - secretary
--Dick Hopkins - Treasurer
---Syd Anderson --vice - president
-Regional Reps --Fred Ormiston , Robin Degraaf ,Ernie Connolly .Earle Gillard
Delegates -Jim Ball - Central Park Oliver Watkins -Comox Valley
Cheryl Degraaf , Roy Dawe - Cloverdale
Ernie Connolly - Kamloops Ron Battie - Ladysmith
Marcel Pinette , John Collin - MSA
Sue Bertrand - North Shore Earle Gillard - Prince George
Lloyd Milton , Larry Westman , Lloyd Beggs , Tom Hawkins , Jim Gallant ,
Dorothy Butts , Gordon Butts -Victoria
Elyse Brunelle --for other Clubs not represented
A moment of silence was observed for departed members.
The Secretary read the minutes of the previous AGM -August 30,2002
MOTION Fred Ormiston / Larry Westman
‘that the minutes be adopted as read ‘ carried
Business from the minutes
----it was noted by Dick Hopkins that the Insurance Company will not give out the actual
premium amount until 30 days before it is due , so hard to bill. Therefore , he did a guess-timate--
with Clubs each paying $ 100. ,total $2400. ,and the premium was $ 2395.
--Marcel stated that the Chilliwack Club has 20 courts ,not 24.
FINANCIAL REPORT -was given by Dick Hopkins.
NOTE - that a Grant of over $ 10,000. was applied for , and less than $ 4000. was received.
MOTION Gordon Butts / Roy Dawe
‘that the financial report be adopted as read ‘ carried.
Motion Marcel Pinette / Cheryl Degraaf
‘that the delegates to the 2003 Canadian AGM--Gordon Butts and Vince Herkel ,
each receive $250. ‘ carried.
Dick stated that this was his final year as Treasurer and said a thank you to all clubs and the
Executive for making his job easier.
--NORTH -by Earle Gillard ---- Have been in contact with the Northern Clubs.No complaints or
suggestions, except they would like to be part of the Interior Championships. Sent more information
about forming clubs - to Henry Martens -Vanderhoof , and Stan Ostash - McKenzie.
Did a lot of work with the Juniors.6 played in one Quesnel tournament ,but only one in the next.
Only Victoria and Quesnel participated in the Province wide tournament.
Victoria 2063 points , Quesnel - 1463 points.
High single game % -- Boy--Buddy Dyrda -Victoria -92 %
-- girl -Danielle Severinski - Quesnel -26%
Two parents have said they will be involved next year.
--INTERIOR / KOOTENAYS --Ernie Connolly --Kamloops hosted their 13th annual Tournament
this year. Some New Presidents --for Kamloops Club is Dale Walsh. For Lower Nicola is
George McDonald, for Golden is Shirley Rande.
The 2nd annual Interior Championships will be in Winfield Sept.7,2003.
Memberships are down ,but tournament turn-outs have been good for the most part.
The City of Kamloops is pushing this the “Tournament Capitol of BC”--and are willing to donate
$ 1,000. for the International Tournament and $ 500 for the BC Provincials.
This concludes my report and if anyone wants to fight -Forest fires --come to Kamloops !
--LOWER MAINLAND -by Robin Degraaf -- Abbotsford will be applying to host the 2006 Senior
Games. MSA will be replacing the furnace in the Clubhouse. The City is looking at putting crushed
rock between the pitches instead of the grass.They have 8 covered pitches now and need help putting
up gutters.
--Central Park has had 3 great tournaments. Pre-registration has proven to be good.
-Cloverdale lost some property on the north side of their Club house , as the City put in a sidewalk /
walkway. They are negotiating for 30 feet into the Rodeo grounds to the west. At our last chance
Tournament ,had a pig roast ,beer-butt chicken ,salmon,and all the trimmings,which about 92 people
enjoyed. We have eight new members this season. Dennis Mustchin is pitching again -at 30’
-Maple Ridge - is applying for Senior games for 2005 or 2006.
Les Schneider is progressing well and thinks he will be throwing shoes soon.. Bruno Shelest is
interim President.
-North Shore is having a tough year,but hope to be back in full swing next year.
-Lower mainland Clubs each nominated one player as their most Congenial player.Now all club
members will vote for the winner.Nominees are : North Shore --Sue Bertrand
Cloverdale -Annette Barons
Central Park -Al Cummings
Maple Ridge - Joe Duncan
Abbotsford - Tom Harris
--A survey was sent to all clubs in the Lower Mainland
Ideas -Pre-registration
-In tournaments --both pitchers to groom courts when they are done.
-every pitcher should know how to keep score.
-have a ‘judge’ training day -so they know all the rules.
ISLAND -By Fred Ormiston
Vancouver Island / Powell River Region consists of 6 clubs: Powell River, Comox Valley, Nanaimo, Port
Alberni Dry Creek, Ladysmith and Victoria Horseshoe Clubs. A total of 288 members come from the region
or 46% of the total 625 B.C.H.A. membership. By the end of the Horseshoe Season the Region would have
held 11 tournaments. The Ladysmith Horseshoe Club hosted the Island Championships this year with 107 contestants taking part. Jerry Melissa was the men's "A" class champion and Carol Ormiston the ladies "A"
class champion. Stew Battie had his hands full as he had to have 3 shifts with all courts being used. We
finished just about on time. The Ladysmith Club did an excellent job in hosting this year's event and congratulations to their members for their hard work. Next year Comox Valley Horseshoe Club will be
hosting the 2004 event.
The Port Alberni Dry Creek Horseshoe Club has 34 members and now is the 2nd largest club in the region.
The club feels it is now ready to get into rotation for the Regional Championships and will be hosting it 2005.
The club is also doing a 2-day tournament on Sept 13th and 14th called the Dry Creek River Runs
Tournament. Pre-registration to Steve Cayer. The club executive have also expressed their wishes to hold a sanctioned tournament next year, probable dates are the 2nd or 3rd week in June. They will keep us posted.
I would like to congratulate their President Steve Cayer, his executive and the members of Port Alberni for becoming a very active and valuable club of the B.C.H.A.
The Naniamo Horseshoe Club likes to travel. You see them at all the tournaments on the island and even
travel to the mainland as a group to take in some of the tournaments over there. If all the clubs traveled like Nanaimo does horseshoe tournaments in this province would be well attended. The Nanaimo @ Ladysmith tournament this year was well attended with 84 contestants taking part. The tournament was over 2-days
and was well run. They lost one of their long-standing members - Joyce Jefferd - she will be sadly missed.
The Victoria Horseshoe Club as you may have noticed is expanding their clubhouse. It's an improvement that
is long overdue, as their membership is now 160 plus. Part of this is due to Dorothy Butts and her membership drive. The expansion will also help the many different groups that use the club all year round. Next year the
club will be hosting the 2004 Canadian Championships with $15000 added prize money. A lot of hard work is ahead for the members in order make this a success. There is also a lot of fundraising left to do so
they can meet their commitments. If you have any ideas or can help please let Dorothy Butts know. I must congratulate Munj Manhas for his hard and dedicated work with the junior program. They have about 25
juniors playing every week during the summer. A lot of pizza gets eaten on Wednesday night. This year
between the junior program, Dorothy Butts, and some members they were able to raise enough money to send Buddy Dydra to the World and Canadian Championships. Would like to thank everybody involved. Congratulations to Buddy for his 6th finish at the Worlds and his 1st place finish at the Canadians
In closing I would like to thank the members of Powell River / Vancouver Island Region in allowing
me the opportunity represent them on the B.C.H.A. executive.
Good pitching, Regards, Fred Ormiston
HALL OF FAME --by Fred Ormiston
2003 -Organizer / Promotor --two canidates Marcel Pinette and Horst Hesse
and the winner is --Horst Hesse
RAFFLE -Dick Hopkins
Ticket sales to date are $1765 ,with more to be turned in.
SUPPLIES -Syd Anderson -read the list of supplies on hand.
Inventory of supplies on hand = $3,035.85
MOTION Robin Degraaf / Fred Ormiston
‘that this be accepted as read ‘ carried.
SENIOR GAMES - Marcel Pinette stated that they have 20 courts to play on. Seems to be
well organized with the Lower mainland clubs helping out.
Norene Battie from Ladysmith stated that their Club and area was not notified of the Play-off date.
They wish a letter to go to the Games office about this.
St.John,NB did a great job of hosting. 130 players played. More registered,but cancelled.
Some due to the black-out in Toronto and plane hassles.
They had entertainment every night ,and after the banquet ,instead of a dance , they had a
Casino night.Everyone was given play money to play with for a couple of hours. Then they had
an auction which was alot of fun.
Dorothy and Gordon Butts,and Vince Herkel attended the Canadian Annual General Meeting.
The new President is Jack E. Adams and a new Treasurer was elected --both from Saskatchewan.
2004 Canadian is in Victoria,BC. 2005 -Halifax,NS. 2006 --Manitou Beach, Saskatchewan.
Vince spoke on points vs.shoes at the Canadian tournament.[. A vote at our AGM meeting showed
that most everyone likes the point games.]
Andre Leclerc was voted into the Hall of Fame.
Buddy Dyrda,Victoria, is the Junior Champ,beating out Drew Becker ,Ontario.
Sylvianne Moissan is Ladies A champ ,her mother Angeline 2nd.
Colin Finnie,Sk. is the Mens A champ. Also attending from Victoria were Guy Chaison and Al
Charters. A new pitcher- Duncan McKenzie, from Cape Breton attended ,and from all accounts
will be giving the As trouble.
He attended as chaperone to Buddy Dyrda. Buddy came in 6th. in Juniors and
Drew Becker was 1st. Alan Francis is the Mens champ and Sylvianne Moissan is Ladys champ.
2005 World is in Bakersfield ,California.
AIR MILES --by Sam Tomasevic
We have 4400 air miles.
Our funding was cut back this year. Now there are more new guidelines for Gaming Grants.
Clubs can get a ‘B’ class license --in the name of the BCHA and one Executive member needs to
sign it.For Major projects -over $20,000 ,you need to apply for $40,000,as volunteer labor is worth
money. Grants must be applied for between Jan.1 and April 30th.. For more Info on the
Internet < http://www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/gaming >
Was shocked that ,of the $50 entry for the Canadian, $ 15.00 goes for administration, as they
have $14,000 in the bank.
Membership -BCHA in 2001 was 660, 2002 and 2003 -625. Lots of work , promotions , and
good league nights help to promote horseshoes.
My term as president is up.Have enjoyed the past 2 years. Thanks to the Executive and Regional reps.
OLD BUSINESS - Marcel Pinette stated that Chilliwack Club has 22 members with Marcel as
President, Bernie Lepper -Treasurer ,Gloria Pinette -Secretary , Oscar Hoyseth -Vice -President.
An official letter to the BCHA will be forthcoming.
[A] MOTION-Sam Tomasevic / Ernie Connolly ‘that starting in 2004 -the entry fee for
all classes [except Juniors] at the BC International and the BC Championships shall be $20’.
vote taken . Carried no one opposed.
Note that prize money will be split as it is now..
[B] MOTION Sam Tomasevic / Ernie Connolly ‘ that starting in 2004 - $1.00 from each
membership collected shall go into a special fund to be used for Clubs in BC wishing to host one
of the following --the Canadian ,The World , or the Western Canada Classic -for prize money only’.
Carried . Note --that if no Club applies, this money will be carried over to the next year.
[C] MOTION Jim Ball / Roy Dawe ‘to amend the dress code -rule #28 , for everyone at the BC International and the BC Championships ,wear neat and tidy pants or shorts,but no blue jeans’.
Vote taken . Motion defeated.
Deaths -- Bob Garner Sr.- Quesnel
--Joyce Jefferd - Nanaimo
--Bob Falconer -Prince George
--Jim Johnson -Salmon Arm
--John Ingram - [Vernon ]
Our condolences to all the families
Get well wishes to --Vic Vallee -who fell off a bike and broke his collarbone.
--to Fred Bodaly -who is recovering from a stroke
--to Jeanne Williams --whose cancer is in remission
PRESIDENT ---Vince Herkel -will let his name stand for another term
--Sam Tomasevic -nominated by Marcel Pinette
Vote by Ballot --Sam Tomasevic is the new president
TREASURER -Vince Herkel nominated by Sam Tomasevic . Seconded by Cheryl Degraaf. Carried.
Motion to destroy the ballots by Earle Gillard / Sam Tomasevic . Carried.
Motion to adjourn at 9;30 p.m. by Larry Westman. carried.
Annie Rayner ,Secretary BCHA
Raffle Winners 2003
$ 400. -Darlene Ortloff -Powell River
$ 300. BTR Concrete Finishing - Richmond
$ 200.Ladies team 4 -Victoria -Irene Buchanan ,Kelli Moorhouse, Cathy Munford,Sharon Daly.
$ 100. Vince Herkel -Ladysmith