AUGUST 31, 2001

The meeting was called to order by the President at 7:05PM with 22 voting delegates and executive registered.

A moment of silence was observed for those members that passed way this year.


Minutes of the 2000 AGM were read. Motion by Marcel Pinette - Abbotsford, seconded by Sharon Fraser - Winfield "That the minutes be adopted as read". Vote taken, carried.


No correspondence received.


Was given by the Treasurer Dick Hopkins. Motion: Dick Hopkins, Seconded Vince Herkel - Winfield "That the report be adopted as read", vote taken, carried.


Dick read a letter from Denis Kirichenko stating that he had done a complete audit of the books to July 31, 2001. Motion: Dick Hopkins, Seconded by Syd Anderson - Abbotsford "That the report be adopted as read", vote taken, carried.


ISLAND/POWELL RIVER -Fred Ormiston. This area consists of 242 members of the 643 BCHA membership or 38%. We hold 13 tournaments, one almost ever weekend.

Cumberland hosted the Island Championships with Gordon Butts the Mens "A" champion, Carol Ormiston the Ladies "A". Victoria will host the 2002 Island Championships.

Port Alberni is the 10t largest BCHA club after only 2 years affiliation. Congradulations to Jack Sparks and all members of the Port Alberni Club

Congradulations to Christine Sparks from Port Alberni - The new 2001 Junior Girls Canadian Champion

Nex year, the Victoria Club will be adding $500.00 to all club tournaments with 80 or more participants.

Congradulations to Tom Hawkins who was inducted into the Canadian Hall Of Fame and also the Greater Victoria Sport Hall Of Fame.

Some issues of concern at the last Regional Meeting - (1) If there isn't enough juniors for a class then they be allowed to play in the 30 ft. mens or womens class, but their statistics would be used to determine a Junior winner and for Canstats. (2) That the executive meeting for the BCHA usally held at the B.C. International be held at a different time on the Lower Mainland. Reason - less costly and more central.

Bernice Busch is fighting cancer. She is home right now and doing well. She sends best wishes to all the people at the B.C. Championships.

NORTH - Louis Levesque reported the Northern Clubs are all busy. Earle Gillard is the new Northern Rep and we wish him well. Thanks to Louis for all his work

LOWER MAINLAND - Robin Degraaf. Tournament participants are down, drastically from last year, so looking for new ideas and ways to bring in mew members.

Senior Games was successful with 80 horseshoe pitchers at the Cloverdale Courts.

INTERIOR/KOOTNEYS - Ernie Connolly. All tournaments this year have been successful.

Golden Club is looking to move their tournament date for 2002.


SENIOR GAMES -Was covered by Robin Degraff in his regional rep report. A participant, Sharon Fraser, thanked Cloverdale for a job well done.

CANADIAN - by Dorothy Butts. Canadian was held in Wellesley, Ontario with 147 entries plus 11 juniors

Mens Champion is Adam Ellis - his first year as an adult, averaged 70.53% over 15 games.

Ladies Champion is Sylvianne Moisan, averaged 79.9% over 20 games.

Junior Girls Champion is Christine Sparks from Port Alberni, B.C. This is only her second year of play, her first at the Canadian Championships. Congratulations.

Junior Boys Champion is Drew Becker of Ontario, averaged 62.27% over 15 games.

B.C. has 8 players in all. Elyse Brunelle placed 8th in the Ladies Championship Class. Gordon Butts 12th in the Men's Championship Class. Wilf Gregory 2nd in the Elders Championship Class. Guy Chaisson 6th in his class. Maurice Ster, Elaine Stern and Vince Herkel made gallant tries in their respective classes.

It rained a lot, and some players got moved to other venues and these left a lot to be desired.

The World in Red Deer is July 29 to August 10, 2002.

The Canadian in 2002 in Calgary, Alberta is August 14-17 or August 15-18, 2002.

The World in 2003 is in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

PLEASE NOTE that in order to play in the Worlds in the 30 Ft. Elders Division - Men must be 70 years of age as of the date of the Tournament - NOT 65 as in Canada.

The NHPA has started a PeeWee Division at 23 feet for children under 12.

The Canadians in 2003 are in St. John NB. 2005 in Halifax NS. 2004 is open and they are looking to B.C. to host.

The Canadian has changed their Hall Of Fame rotation to Female player in 2002, Promoter/Organizer 2003, Male Player 2004, Promoter/Oraganizor 2005, etc.

Tom Hawkins the BC delegate, stated that there are ONLY two B.C. people in the Canadian Hall Of Fame in the past 30 years!

There were some errors in the Official Rules, so these have been corrected.

Two resolutions - one was defeated. The other was to do with the presentations and it was passed - only 1st and 2nd will be presented at the banquet, the others will be presented after the completion of the class play.

Election of Officers.President - George Barton. Treasurer - Dorothy Butts. Public Relations - Jean Markle.


Sylvianne Moissan of Quebec was the Ladies "A" Champion.

40 Ft. Senior Men was won by Howard Weitzel from Saskatchewan.

Results are posted on the Website

AIR MILES - Sam Tomasevic. We have 2,044 air miles available.

HALL OF FAME - Fred Ormiston. This years category is Male Player and the winner will be announced at the opening ceremonies (and it was Murray Rayner from Nanaimo).

For 2002 the category is Female Player.

RAFFLE - Dick Hopkins. Money is $500.00 more than last year and more to be turned in. Some people/clubs did not return the unsold books. Winfield stated that they never received any books. A show of hands said we should do this again next year.

SUPPLIES - Vince Herkel. Lots of supplies on hand. The M&M horseshoes have sold well and will order more.

The order of hooks that the BCHA were going to get was cancelled due to the supplier raising the price.

The new BCHA pins will be distributed to all the clubs.

Calipers - Lloyd Beggs said that they could be gotten at Tools R'Us.

PRESIDENTS REPORT - Sam Tomasevic. Thanked the executive and regional reps for a job well done this year and past years. Thanks to Louis Levesque, who is steppping down.

I am not running for President this year. The past 8 years has been a blast and an enjoyable time. It is time to go, not that I am going far. I will be around. I hope that you will suport the new President like you supported me.

This years BC Championships has a good turn out with 130 entries, plus 10 juniors. With the exception of five clubs the rest are all represented here.

Think about going to the World next year in Red Deer, even just to watch. It is something to see. Attendance at local tournaments during this time will probably be down.

The website continues to grow, with more pictures and results.

Thanks to Bill Whitnack who is sending results from the interior

The newsletter needs more write-ups and articles. Please help.

The 2002 BC International is in Penticton.

The 2002 BC Championships in Cloverdale.


The BCHA owe Calgary $454.16 for the Canadian Hall Of Fame. A bill/statement was not received, so this will be paid


A letter was received from the Calgary Horseshoe Club stating that they would be willing to host the Western Canada Classic every year providing that the other Western Provinces put in $225.00 for the prize money each year. Motion Marcel Pinette/Sharon Fraser that the above proposal be turned down. Carried

Earle Gillard spoke the juniors need a tournament of their own in August and he has a proposal/suggestion that he will be sending out later.

Motion Marcel Pinette/Dorothy Butts that all BCHA members pay $1.00 a year more and this money be available to a BCHA club to host either the Western Classic or the Canadian. Defeated.


Sam was thanked for his past efforts, he has been with the BCHA since 1978 - 23 years.

Don Reed of Maple Ridge and Al Hoffman of Powell River have passed away. Our condolances to the famailies.


Lloyd Beggs spoke about the Horseshoe demonstration that the Victoria Club has put on. This has increased their membership by 18 people.


President (2 year term) - Vince Herkel by acclamation

Treasurer(2 year term) - Dick Hopkins by acclamation

Vice-President (1 year term) - Syd Anderson was appointed by the executive. Motion Jerry Melissa/Fred Ormiston that Syd be accepted. Carried.

Motion Larry Westman/Syd Anderson "That the meeting be adjourned". Carried, meeting adjourned at 8:43PM.

Annie Rayner - Secretary

Note - Winners of our fundraising draw were: $400.00 Dave Kitchen - Victoria / $300.00 Joe Brietnikopf - Quesnel / $200.00 Betty Anderson - Celista / $100.00 Al Gushta - Kamloops.