Horst Hesse - Burnaby
2003 Inductee
Horst's Accomplishments:
Horst was elected to the Hall Of Fame as an Organizor-Promoter.
Horst became involved with horseshoes by playing in the annual Canoe fire Department tournament.
Horst became an executive member of the BC Horseshoe Association in 1979 when he was elected 4th Vice-President.
Horst served our association as president from 1983-1992. Horst was our Past-President from 1993-1996 and has served in many other positions over his tenure in our association.
Horst also organized the Salmon Arm Horseshoe club (where he resided till moving down to the coast 3 years ago) and was their first President as well as being tournament director for many years.
While Horst was President he did a lot of hard work to get our association to the high standards, which it enjoys, to this very day. We list below some of his accomplishements:
Was always willing to assist all clubs in setting up tournaments
Was instrumental in getting Horseshoes into the BC Senior Games - set up the guidelines and rules for them to follow for horseshoe pitching.
Introduced crests for the winners of the BC Championships and BC International, an idea he got when seeing the the same on a few players from Alberta.
Set up a system where clubs could bid for the BC International and BC Championships.
Set up a supplies account where clubs could contact him to receive what they require, organized a set of books and kept accurate records.
Made sure that communication with the clubs and members was at an all time high.
Made sure our newsletter (Ringer Round-Up) was started up again and sent out to all the clubs in our association.
Not being a computer person Horst realized the need when the time came for this organization to get ino this field. When the Association needed $500.00 to get the present shoes program we have and to purchase a computer Horst was able to have the funds available through the supplies account he had set up.
Gave each executive member a duty to perform on the board.
Suggested that Stan and Phylis Dahl be made honorary members of the BCHA, this was the beginning of the BC Hall Of Fame, as we know it today. He than turned this project over to Tom Hawkins to organize.
Set up seminars that the executive could attend to make us better prepared to deal withour members and clubs.
Saw the need to set up rules and guidelines for those clubs running the BC Champinships and BC International.
Set up meetings with Government grant branches and tried to make sure we applied for all possible funding.
Attended all sports meetings to get the word out about our sport.
Horst always made himself available and tried to please as many players as possible.
Horst is still very active in the game as a player and enjoys the company of others.
Horst and his wife, Doreen, now reside in Burnaby and are members fo the Central Park Horseshoe Club.
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